More Writing by Andy Walsh
This is my first book, but not my first writing venture. I write about science and faith every Wednesday for the Emerging Scholars Network, a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Some recent posts you might enjoy:
Science in Review: Just Gotta Get Right Outta Here
Science in Review: Thor, Thanos and Theology
Science in Review: The Linguistic Match Game
Science in Review: Pleistocene Park
Christianity Today has published a few articles and essays of mine.
The Miracle of Exponential Growth
Not All Who Wonder Are Lost
Let There Be Light at Every Human's Creation?
How Our Unconscious Biases Shape Our Beliefs
I've written for BioLogos, including thoughts on Star Wars and X-Men. BioLogos helps evangelical Christians understand evolutionary biology and address theological questions about it.
Star Wars, Evolution, and the Squishiness of Biology
X-amining Evolution in the X-Men Universe
4 Helpful Metaphors for Evolution
4 Unhelpful Metaphors for Evolution
I gave this talk at a BioLogos conference; some of the ideas from Faith across the Multiverse are discussed briefly.
I gave this talk at the 2018 American Scientific Affiliation meeting; it highlights some of the science fiction & science connections and also some of the science & theology connections from the book. Slides from the talk are available here.
I was on Stephen Bedard's Hope's Reason podcast talking about evolutionary biology and theology.